Monday, October 3, 2011

The Tiara

There is something about wearing a tiara that transforms a girl into a princess. There is not any magic in the crown just some sparkly plastic that gives a sense of confidence even if it is only for a half an hour of pretend.
The idea of a beautiful princess, handsome prince, a daring rescue, a kiss, and a happily ever after flooded my mind when a four year old put a tiara on me while we played dress up today.
Immediately, I saw the transformation when I grabbed another pink sequenced tiara and placed it on sweet Kayah's head. All of a sudden she was smiling and dancing as if she were the most beautiful princess there ever was. As I spun her around and danced around the living room, I could not help but see the moment the Lord created for me.
There is something captivating about a girl who finally believes she is beautiful. We see it in others because we are constantly comparing but the moment when it comes true for you is the moment the Lord rejoices. God does not mess up. His definition of beautiful is not the magazine you stare at in line at the grocery store, or the girl who is surrounded by the boys, or the "perfect" body you are killing yourself to get. If you want to see His definition of beauty, go look in the mirror. The effort you are making to look like she does is being reciprocated with her efforts to resemble you. God wants us all to walk in freedom, Satan is relishing every moment you tear yourself down, compare, and believe the lies he is whispering in your ear. Do not let him have that power.
I understand every aspect of comparison first hand because for years I walked around thinking I was not "her." Every lie I believed lead me further away from the truth of who the Lord said I was. When we give Satan even just a moment it is stealing the life we ought to be living. Now I can say I am thankful I am not "her" because that means I am me! There is feedom in this truth. I dare you to be you. I dare you to ask the Lord who you are. I dare you to put on that tiara. Its your time to radiate His love, all eyes are on you <3
How beautiful you are and how pleasing, O love, with your delights!
Song of Solomon 7:6

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